Hello yall!
Let's just finally put it out there, as truth and grace is our focus these days. Im not living in the fear of admitting my truth. I’m not cheap and some may say I am not affordable But I also am NOT going to provide you with a cheap experience.
When you decide to invest in The Chanel Experience - you are also deciding to invest within you and your journey so far. Clients literally walk out of the studio with a BUZZ, and no, thats not from the champagne.
We are providing SO much more than gorgeous photos of yourself [I mean, thats FANTASTIC TOO!] We offer a self care and self love experience. This is something our WORLD is truly lacking. We are in need of LIGHT, LOVE, BODY POSITIVITY and much more.
My goal is to truly change up the way you see yourself and the world around you. My team is ready to help you embrace every step of this experience. So, how do we make this happen?!
Choose a date: Book your session for a date that you feel comfortable with enough to allow you to save up if need be. I book up to a year in advance and this can allow you to save and make a payment plan that truly works for you. The following is suggestions from myself, local photographers and current clients :
EMPOWERMENT BANK: I cannot stress this enough! What is the Empowerment Bank, you ask? I’m glad you asked! The Boudie Bank allows you to book up to 12 months in advance and for those 12 months leading up to your Experience, you can put money towards your very own “piggy bank” if you will. It can be inconsistent, so you can put in $100 one month and then $500 the next, and then $20 the next. You pick how often and how much and whatever you have pre-paid for your collection/ products up until your Image Reveal, will be used as a credit towards your product order!
Standard Payment plans: We offer no interest in house payment plans that are eligible for any of our Experience and all of our products.
Intro Credit Cards: One of the best options if you are impatient like me is to apply for a Citibank entry credit card. They offer up to 21 months 0% APR so that means that you can use your card to pay for your product order and pay it off on your time! A lot of clients also love Paypal Credit which offers 6 months interest free payments.
Last but not least, the Empowerment Jar: Yes, literally a jar! Sit it on the counter, drop $1 or $5 or whatever amount serves you every day, week or month. Let it pile up and encourage yourself. Cup of coffee daily OR save up to feel like a QUEEN!?
Client Tips from some of my long time clients: Marie Kondo your living space - toss what you dont need, donate and sell items. Make tiny changes each week and use that extra money. Tax Refund Season. Opt for monetary donations or gift certificates from our studio instead of gifts at birthday/graduation/holiday time! We can do this!!
I hope this has helped give you some good ideas on how to financially prep for your own Chanel Experience!